CLUJ-NAPOCA: The history of Transylvania in the Ethnographic Museum

Dear sports fans,

Cluj-Napoca is one of the most beautiful cities in Romania and the unofficial capital of the historical region of Transylvania.

Founded in 1922, the Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography has two exhibition sections, it will take you back in time and you will learn all about the history of Transylvania.

It is worth visiting the exhibition section located in the city center, as well as the second one located in the outdoor park Romulus Vuia.

Browse the Museum which includes over 50 thousand items. Learn all about the way of life of Transylvanian farmers.

Through tens of thousands of photos at Reduta Palace you will have the opportunity to see objects and costumes of rural life many centuries ago.

Locals are proud of the open-air section that opened in 1929 and is one of the most visited museums in the country.

Tour the traditional buildings, farmsteads, wooden churches, workshops and sites that will take you back through the centuries, starting with the 17th century!


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